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Your Plan, Your Way

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At AMP we love triathletes because we are triathletes. Head trainer and coach Mary Tobiason is an elite triathlete, and veteran competitor of more than 100 triathlon events—including as a 4x participant on IRONMAN’s main stage: the IRONMAN World Championship.

Mary and her team are knowledgeable, compassionate, and hands-on coaches that work efficiently and effectively to help triathletes at all levels, whether it’s your first sprint event or your next full IRONMAN competition. We help triathletes at all ages and levels break barriers and achieve goals.

AMP’s digital coaching plan for triathletes covers all the bases to achieve success: proper nutrition, form and technique and a personalized swim, bike and run plan designed especially around you and your personal goals.

AMP helps you get to the finish line—and beyond.

Personal Training

Whether it is eyeing a new look/new you, achieving peak performance in your chosen sport or activity or just getting healthier and fitter, AMP offers an online personal training program for athletes and non-athletes alike.

At AMP we use science, compassion, and technology, to create an online personal training plan that is all about you—and your fitness goals and objectives.

We take the word “personal” in personal training to heart. An experienced and certified AMP coach/trainer collaborates with each individual client to create an online plan tailored just for them.

We are in constant touch with all our clients to coach, teach, motivate, commiserate, and share the love all the way to the journey’s end.

Your success is ours too.

Small Group Strength

Motivation loves company and clients will find plenty of it with AMP’s digital training and coaching plans for small group fitness.

Each online plan for groups of 2-5 members is painstakingly written and updated weekly by a fully certified and highly experienced AMP coach/trainer who take the time and makes the effort to get know each member.

Whether it is creating innovative and results-oriented strength and exercise sessions for family and friends or digital workouts for helping training partners achieve their peak performance, your small group’s trainer/coach is laser focused on making each workout results-oriented—and fun.

There is strength in numbers and our strength is helping your group get fitter faster.


Becoming the best possible swimmer, whether it’s in the pool or open water, requires proper technique—and training.

AMP’s head coach, Mary Tobiason is a USA Swimming Certified Coach. She works with swimmers at levels to develop personalized online coaching and training plans emphasizing proper form and technique, effective breathing for pool and open water workouts.

Get ready to dive in.


Top-form cycling means using all the motion, power, strength and endurance in your upper and lower body to maximize the efficiency of your peddle stroke and gain all the edge you can from your time in the saddle.

 Smart riders, be they hard core cyclists or recreational bikers looking to ride better and longer

to improve their overall health and fitness, want to train smarter.

That is where AMP can help make the difference.

Under the direction of long-time coach, trainer, and elite triathlete Mary Tobiason, Mary and her team of motivated and experienced riding specialists and instructors offer bikers and athletes of all ages and skills the latest in year-round digital cycling.


Running for fun and fitness or getting into top form to achieve peak racing performance as a competitive athlete, AMP’s certified running coaching and trainers have it covered with a personalized and online plan tailored just for you.

Running is all about using form, function, endurance, and heart to get stronger, fitter, faster and run injury-free. AMP’s running coaches know the fundamentals of good running technique and can create a detailed training and mileage plan for runners of all ages and abilities because we are runners.

Nationally known coach, trainer, and elite triathlete Mary Tobiason, is a veteran runner and racer, including as a 4x Boston Marathon qualifier and finisher. Mary is a highly credentialed endurance sports coach who has been collaborating with runners of all types for 20+ years.

At AMP, we know and love runners. Our personalized coaching plans will help first-time runners get off the couch and out the door or help advanced and elite runners hit the personal record (PR) they want or finish on the podium at 5ks, 10ks, half-marathons, marathons, and ultra-marathons.

No back of the pack with us—we coach and motivate you all the way to the finish line and beyond.


The old saying “we are what we eat” is never truer than with top-tier athletes or everyday fitness enthusiasts just wanting to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Poor nutrition equals poor performance. What’s the use of hard work on the bike, in the pool, at the gym or out running if you aren’t fueling properly and getting the most out of each performance?

Excellent health, fitness and racing begins with being smart and eating a balanced diet sustained by the right combination and portions of the five food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy.

That’s where AMP’s digital nutrition planning and healthy eating program comes in. Mary Tobiason, a veteran coach, trainer and certified sports nutrition specialist, and her team of nutrition specialists will help each athlete eat right now and for the long haul.

AMP nutritionists work with each client on an individual and personalized plan, taking into account your goals and objectives for healthier eating, and help you find a balanced diet that will fuel you all the way to peak performance.

We are what we eat—and AMP’s online nutrition plans are all about eating right.

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